"Thirty-five years ago, the world as we knew it was plunged into chaos. Across the world, the machines our society had come to rely on - the Omnics - turned on their creators. It took the creation of an international task force - Overwatch - to resist the Omnic threat. But the damage was done. Tens of millions were killed. Millions more orphaned. But at least, at long last, it was over. Or so we believed. After slumbering for thirty years, five years ago, the Omnium factories spun to life once more. Domestic terror attacks had by now gripped the world, and a reformed Overwatch was too distracted resisting them. This Second Omnic Crisis waged on, with the world too wounded to properly fight the machines a second time. This was not like the First Omnic Crisis. This was not a war. It was a slaughter. And in this crucible, old beliefs were tested. Many of them failed. Some believed that conflict will make us stronger - the flaws of such ideology are, I think, self-evident. Some, admittedly myself included, believed in strict ideals of heroism, sacrifice, and nobility: The ever-increasing death tolls revealed the weakness of such rigidity. Many of us followed our own paths, believing independence to be the key to salvation. But in time, it became clear that alone we are fractured, that true strength comes from unity, not from division. But by the time we finally came to this conclusion, it was already too late. Everyone here knows how this story ends. What we found, deep in the heart of the Siberian Omnium. The final farewell the Omnics gave humanity. The Omnics had not spent those thirty years in slumber. They had spent them working away tirelessly, as machines are designed to do. In that time, they engineered the perfect weapon to finally eradicate all humanity. They knew their victory lay not with violence, but with patience. The machines are immortal. Humans are not. We must replenish our numbers to continue our survival. The machines' answer to this reality? The Genebomb. An aerosol, spread throughout the atmosphere, so thoroughly saturating the air that every human on this Earth inhaled it and was sterilized. As the last Omnium Factory went dark once more, it seemed our future - humanity's future - went with them. But we, as humans, are not so easily dissuaded. We are resilient. We are stubborn. We are resourceful. And so, we put aside all petty squabbles, all irrelevant concerns, to focus on solving this latest challenge. To save humanity. Old rivalries gave way to new alliances. Agents of chaos were channeled into security. And swords were beaten into plowshares. Facades of strength and veneers of cynicism dissolved to reveal the pain hidden deep beneath, so that healing, delayed for so long, could finally begin. We came to realize that heroes need not always bolster shield and armor; that villains are not bound to some incorrigible oath of dishonor; and that such clear divisions can blur through the eyes of the heart. Indeed, order comes in many shapes, many forms, and not all of them are incompatible. Though complications often arise in their union. And today, my friends, I stand before you, bearing the long-sought fruits of such unions. After three years of research, a new reproductive path has finally been opened to our species. With so many of our fighting men lost in the war, it falls on the women left behind to pick up the slack. I understand that this will be more of a challenge for some women than it will be for others, though I am confident in our strength to tackle such a challenge. For some of us, this will not be a new experience. For some others, a chance to explore ideas we've been too shy for otherwise. I know it is a tall ask, imploring mothers to now become fathers, and for previously-uninterested daughters to now become mothers. But the Omnics stole from us the traditional marriage of man and woman, and so we must carve out for ourselves a new traditional marriage, of women of two kinds. My friends, I stand before you now to say that tonight, we do not merely once again breed! But tonight... We Overbreed!"