<> =============== (01; Black screen, the sound of DVa softly moaning as she masturbates fades in. The camera reveals that it is panning from right to left, as sights of DVa propped up against the sofa masturbating [01.gif] is revealed. She is wearing her Summertime outfit; no shorts, and her shirt is pulled up over her breasts) *DVa softly moaning as she masturbates* (02; Focused shot of DVa masturbating, her phone in her left hand, held up against her belly right above her groin, head thrown back and eyes closed as she softly moans and squeals.) *DVa softly moaning and squealing as she masturbates* (03; Aimed close-up of her rubbing her clit, framed that her pussy is at the bottom of the image and her head at the top. After a moment, she lifts up her phone so the screen is facing her; after another moment, she brings her head down and cracks her eyes open to look at the screen, still moaning and squealing as she does so) *DVa softly moaning and squealing as she masturbates* (04; Insert-shot of the FuckBuddy screen on her phone. UI elements visible in the background show that she is level 7 now, and there is a overtop UX element showing her progress to the next level, with the numbers constantly going up. The top is labeled "Masturbation," and along the bottom, under the progress bar, is a "Bonuses:" list, with "Consecutive Orgasms (x5) - +5000" shown.) *DVa softly moaning and squealing* (05; Another focused shot as DVa quickly accelerates her pace, beginning to squirm as she enters orgasm. She lowers her phone and throws her head back, eyes closed once more.) *DVa's squealing crescendos in speed and intensity as she approachs orgasm* *DVa lets out a single long, loud squeal as her body folds in on itself as she orgasms powerfully, before she slowly relaxes* (06; Over-the-shoulder shot as DVa takes deep, calm breaths. After a moment, her phone, whose screen is still against her tummy, starts making rapid clicking sounds as numbers make a show of racking up. She lifts her phone up to look at it.) (07; Insert-shot of the FuckBuddy app, with a new overtop UX element. The background is heavily blurred behind it. Along the top, it again is labeled "Masturbation". Below it is a progress bar, a circled "7" to the left of it. The bar is mostly full. Underneath it is text that animates overtime. The first text is already there. As each line animates, the progress bar animates.) TEXT: "Session Time: 12:47 - +1534" <<>> TEXT: "Orgasm! <3 - +1000" TEXT: "BONUS! Consecutive Orgasms (x6) - +6000" *The overtop UX element animates away, and a new one pops up, with the text "LEVEL UP!" popping up with a sound-effect of fireworks* (08; Shot of DVa sitting up as she continues to watch the phone screen. After a moment, she eagerly presses a button on the screen, mouth slightly agape in excitement as she watches) DVa (excitedly, but quietly to herself): "Yes, open the crate!" (09; Close-up of DVa's excited face as the phone plays an elaborate and drawn-out sequence of sounds for dramatically opening a loot box. As it finishes and plays its final 'dazzle and awe' sound effect, DVa's face contorts in disgust) (10; DVa leans back explosively, as she makes a loud sound of disgust) *DVa makes a loud sound of disgust* DVa (fuming): "Gah! Another trading card!" (11; Over-the-shoulder shot as DVa lifts up her phone again. A new screen is shown, labeled "Timed Rewards". The currently-selected item is empty and labeled "Claimed!", while the next item has a preview of DVa in a cute outfit, with a timer of 4 minutes counting down.) DVa (excited, but not overly excited, for the prospect of a new outfit): "Ooh, that's a cute outfit!" (12; Close-up as DVa's hand glides over to her groin and she begins briskly rubbing her clit) DVa (confidently to herself): "I bet I can get that in no time!" (13; Close-up of DVa's face, as she closes her eyes and leans her head back) *DVa softly, moaning as she begins to masturbate again* (14; Close-up of the phone, whose now screen-up at her side on the sofa, no longer being held.) *DVa softly, moaning as she begins to masturbate again* *Phone screen blinks on to a calendar notification, saying "NYC CON: 15 MIN WARNING", as the phone begins loudly buzzing against the fabric of the seat* (15; Chest-up shot of DVa's eyes slowly opening) DVa (softly, slowly, in a bit of a sex-hazed stupor): "Wha..?" (16; Extreme close-up of DVa's eyes as they suddenly fly wide open in revelation) DVa (quickly, sharply, as recollection hits her like a freight train): "The tour!" (17; Hard cut to black, all ambient sounds except for a subtle room-tone hum is cut as well. After a moment, inspirational montage music kicks up) (18; Montage of still scenes. The still are faded together. Each still pans slowly in a different direction.) STILL 1: Wide shot of the tour bus in the convention parking lot. Pans right. STILL 2: Waist-up shot of DVa standing just outside the bus, looking up with an expression of awe. Pans left. STILL 3: Over-the-shoulder shot of DVa looking up at the convention center. Pans up. STILL 4: Wide shot of DVa posing on top of her mech's arm inside the convention center, with a photoshoot crew around. Pans left. STILL 5: Over-the-shoulder shot of DVa looking down at her phone, which has the FuckBuddy app up (title clearly visible), with the same "Timed Bonuses" screen up before, showing up how much time is left on the new outfit (the next available item is something irrelevant). Pans down. STILL 6: Shot of DVa holding the phone face-down against her thigh as her head is turned sharply away, eyes wide in embarassment and lips curled in nervously. Pans right. STILL 7: Wide shot of DVa at a panel discussion, leaning into her microphone mid-sentence. Pans left. STILL 8: Over-the-shoulder shot of DVa looking down at her phone. The app is up again, same screen but with less time left. Pans down. STILL 9: Shot of DVa covering the phone with both hands over the table as she awkwardly speaks into the microphone. Pans left. STILL 10: Wide shot of DVa in a semi-isolated booth, leaning forward with console controller in hand, ostensibly playing a game, with a crowd behind her. Pans right. STILL 11: Over-the-shoulder of DVa holding the phone really low, trying to keep it out of sight, as she looks at the screen. Same screen, even less time. Pans down. STILL 12: Shot of DVa holding the phone up against her chest, looking over her shoulder nervously. Pans right. STILL 13: Wide shot of DVa on stage with Curvy Elizabeth, Rebecca, and Marie, all in DVa outfits and posing. DVa is gesturing to them grandly with a warm smile on her face. Pans left. STILL 14: Over-the-shoulder of DVa with her back to the audience and cosplayers, holding the phone close to her chest and looking down at it. Once again, same screen, less time yet. Pans up. (19; Montage fades into an animated scene of DVa sitting behind a merchandise table with posters and pictures and figurines and such, writing with a marker on something on the table, the tip of the marker just not visible. As the montage fades into this sequence, the music dies away as full diagetic audio resumes. A line of fans is queued up in front of the booth, with only 2 people partially visible. No faces.) *DVa finishes writing, and grabs what she was writing on with her left hand and offers it to the person standing at the front of the line.* DVA (cheerily): "사랑과 행복! Thanks for coming!" ("Wajeoseo Gomawoyo!" ; "Love and happiness!") (20; Close-up of DVa smiling as she watches the person walk off off-screen, before returning her attention to the line.) FAN (nervously): "Do you... Do you think you can sign this for me, D.Va?" DVA (cheerily): "Of course!" (21; Waist-up shot of DVa smiling up at the off-screen fan as he hands her a photograph that we can't see.) (22; Insert-short of the merch photo that was handed to her. She shifts her fingers slightly, and another photo is revealed to be behind it. We don't see much of it, but enough to see that it's a drawing of DVa; depending on the details of the art itself, maybe enough to see that it's lewd) DVA (in quiet surprise, under her breath): "이런 젠장?" ("ileon jenjang?" ; "What the heck?") (23; Close-up as DVa looking down at the photos in her hand, cheeks flushed with embarrassment.) DVA (in an awkward combination of being surprised and flattered): "That's very, ah, flattering..." FAN (really nervous that his lewd art got mixed in there): "Ah, s-sorry! That w-wasn't... You weren't..." (24; Close-up of DVa handing the lewd photo back, while holding the actual one in the other hand) DVA (over her initial surprise, rather calmly and casually, not being overly bothered by the art): "I'll just give this back..." *As he takes the photo, DVa gently waves the other photo in her off hand* DVA (still not sure how to react): "And I'll, ah, sign this one instead..." (25; Close-up of the fan's hands balled up tight to his chest, as he idly bounces on the balls of his feet nervously.) *Sounds of DVa's marker scribbling* FAN (still really nervous, and feeling awful about the encounter): "I really hope I didn't offend you..." *Fan reaches his hand out to grab the photograph, as DVa implicitly hands it off while speaking* DVA (softly, with a small, reassuring smile; she isn't overly cheery, but isn't distraught either. She knows it was an honest, if unusual, mistake.): "Don't worry about it." (26; Close-up of the fan stammering his apologies) FAN (still feeling awful; stammering his apologies, before just giving up.): "T-thanks. I just--I didn't--I--Thanks." (27; Wide shot of DVa standing up as the fan walks off. She picks up and checks her phone. After a moment of looking at it, she stands up while looking at the phone and begins to speak) DVA (calm and casual, as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening): "If you'll all excuse me for a moment..." (28; Insert-shot of the phone, once again showing that "Timed Bonuses" screen. It's showing that the outfit only has about 15 minutes left.) DVA (calm and casual, continuing her sentence): "I will be back in just a few minutes." (29; Hard cut to DVa in her fancy private restroom, sitting on the closed-seat toilet, head thrown back and eyes closed as she moans and squeals while masturbating with her suit exposed. [02.gif]) *DVA moaning and squealing as she masturbates* (30; Angle change as DVa orgasms) *DVA orgasms* *DVa's phone, on the hard marble counter beside her, vibrates and begins playing the sounds of it yielding information.* (31; Close-up of DVa's face as she recuperates, while the phone continues making its sounds) *DVA taking quiet, deep breaths as she recovers* *Phone has one less sound effect, since there is no 'consequent orgasms' bonus this time* (31; Close-up of DVa picking up the phone) (32; Wide shot of DVa sitting on the toilet, legs spread and suit exposed, as she looks at the phone. She leans forward after looking at it for a moment, in surprise and frustration) DVA (loudly, in frustration): "What?!" *DVa immediately realizes how loud she was, and quickly claps a hand over her mouth, before pulling it away again* (33; Insert-shot of the progress-breakdown popup showing that, despite getting similar points as before, rather than being enough to level her up, she's only about 2/3rds the way through Level 8. There is a "Want More Points?" button at the bottom) DVA (quietly, but still frustrated): "That should have been enough..." *DVa presses the button, which pops up a new window that explains that higher-tier actions give more points. Below that, there is a profile picture for Fan, along with a "Send Message" button. Below those is the text "Why don't you send a message and get some points together?" (34; Close-up of DVa looking down at the phone and biting her lip in thought. Held for a long moment.) (35; Hard cut to black. After a moment in the black scene, the sound of knocking on a bus door plays.) (36; The black scrolls away as the bus door opens sideway, revealing the fan waiting in the dark-at-night parking lot.) DVA (hissing loudly at him): "Get in!" FAN (nervously but excited): "Oh! S-sure!" DVA (hissing loudly): "Now!" (37; Wide shot of the parking lot, deep at night, as the bus door closes.) DVA (as a voice-over; sternly): "Did anyone see you?" FAN (nervously): "I-I don't think so..." (38; Interior shot of the bus, of DVa leaning over the little table and looking out a window we can't see. She is once again wearing her Summrtime outfit. Fan is standing around awkwardly by the door into the driver's compartment.) DVA (sternly): "Good." *DVa stands up and turns to face Fan.* (39; Close-up of DVa as she speaks) DVA (sternly): "You cannot tell anyone about this." FAN (nervously, but quick to assure her): "O-of course! Not a soul!" (40; Over-the-shoulder of Fan, DVa operating her phone as she faces him. Her phone screen isn't visible to us or him. After an awkward silence, Fan speaks.) FAN (awkwardly trying to break the silence): "So, uhh... What, uh, are we doing? Exactly?" *DVa looks up at him, before reaching out to show him her phone screen. The tier list is up, with the "Blowjob" box selected* DVA (simply): "This." (41; Close-up of the fan as he slightly recoils, before he chuckles awkwardly and rubs the back of his head while looking away as he speaks) FAN (awkwardly flattered): "Oh! Ah, wow. I'm, uhh, I'm flattered that you--" DVA (hiding her own embarrasment through being unintentionally overly sharp): "It's not personal." (42; Close-up of DVa shrugging as she speaks, while looking away) DVA (less sharply): "I just want the points, 너 나 이해해?" ( "Arraseoyo?" ; "Do you understand?"; I'm trying to get an English equivalent to "I just want the points, you know?") FAN (awkwardly): "Oh, uh, of course." (43; Waist-up of Fan still looking away awkardly) FAN (awkwardly): "So, uhh, I've never done this before... Have you ever, like..." (intending to ask if she's had sex before, but is failing to stumble through it, before he trails off) DVA (equally as awkward as she stumbles to brag): "Oh, yeah, totally!" (44; White-flash transition into a flashback-sequence of DVa sitting at the table with her laptop open, awkwardly sucking on a dildo mounted to the table while watching the video. [03.gif]) *DVA making soft sucking sounds* *Laptop video that isn't visible making loud, slurpy sucking sounds* DVA (voice-over as she continues to awkwardly brag): "I'm a total expert when it comes to this!" *Laptop video pops off the toy the presenter is demonstrating with loudly* *DVA pops off her dildo quietly a few moments later* PRESENTER: "You want to make sure you use your tongue, too." FAN (voice-over; awkwardly): "O-oh, of course." (45; Waist-up of Fan looking up and to the side as he talks, hands now in his pockets) FAN (awkwardly): "I'm sure you've had lots of boyfriends, what with how popular you are..." DVA (sharply, as she realizes that she insinuated that she's promiscuous, which isn't at all what she intended): "헐!" ("Sesange!" ; "OMG!" / "Oh my gosh!") [TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: "More like: I can't believe it."] (46; Close-up of DVa blushing heavily as she stammers out a response) DVA (stammering, hugely embarrassed): "T-that's not what I-!" (intending to say "That's not what I meant to say!", but cuts herself off) *DVa shakes her head to break off the thought* *DVA gives a little frustrated-at-herself growl as she shakes her head* *DVa returns her attention to the Fan* DVA (sternly): "Let's just do this!" FAN (awkwardly, but excited): "O-okay!" (47; Waist-up shot of Fan awkwardly looking down at his feet as he's trying to make himself small) FAN (awkwardly, shyly): "Can I... Can I make a request, though?" (48; Hard cut to black. After a moment of darkness, the sound of pants unzipping and cloth moving) DVA (voice-over; under her breath, to herself, in surprise): "헐!" ("heol!" ; "OMG!" / "Oh my gosh!" (49; Close-up of DVa gently wiggling Fan's cock at the base. Her hand is in her pilot suit glove. He is half-laying horizontally across the sofa, fully clothed, pants unzipped.) DVA (under her breath, to herself, in surprise): "이 거시기는 거대합니다!" ("i jaji neun Chinjja keu da!"; "This dick is huge!") FAN (after a soft groan; softly, still shy): "What was that? I didn't quite catch it." (50; Close-up of DVa's face as she blushes, before turning to look up at him. She is wearing her full DVa suit, including the headphones.) DVA (embarrassed that her ogling was overheard; trying to sound confident and reassure him): "Oh, nothing. I was just... It's nothing." FAN (shyly): "All right. As long as you're okay..." (51; Wide shot of DVa on her knees beside him, bent over, one hand holding his cock by the base, the other underneath his leg. She is looking at it, unsure what to do next. After a moment, she just plunges forward, closing her eyes and wrapping her mouth around his shaft.) *DVA makes a soft sound as she starts sucking* *FAN makes an emphatic, ecstatic groan as she starts sucking* (52; Close-up of DVa making quick, little sucks) *FAN gently moaning* *DVA notably not really making any sounds except for mouth sounds* *After a moment, the video Presenter from before comes to DVa's mind, in the form of an echo-y voice-over* PRESENTER (echo-y voice-over, as DVa thinks back to the video): "Above all else, just remember to relax and enjoy yourself." *As the Presenter's voice fades away, DVa takes her first long, head-twisting suck* *DVA gives a loud moan as she lets herself enjoy the sensations* (53; Close-up of Fan, head thrown back and eyes closed) *DVA moaning as she sucks* FAN (as a long, emphatic moan): "Ohhhh myyyy Goddddd..." (54; Wide shot of the sequence [04.gif]) *DVA moaning as she sucks* *After a long moment, Fan lifts his head and opens his eyes to look at her butt* (55; Close-up of DVa's butt gently swaying as she sucks. His hand is visible in the edge of the frame, in a claw pose. After a long moment, he reaches out and begins to gently rub her butt.) (56; Close-up of DVa sucking) *DVA moaning as she sucks* *DVA giving a surprised, questioning sound with his cock in her mouth; her eyes open wide as his hand makes contact* *After a moment, though, she closes her eyes and resumes sucking* (57; Wide shot of the sequence, now with him rubbing her butt) *DVA moaning as she sucks* (58; Close-up of Fan, head thrown back and eyes closing, as he's about to orgasm) FAN (fast approaching orgasm): "Ah, I'm gonna, ah..!" *DVA makes a loud surprised sound as he starts cumming in her mouth; she wasn't expected this at all!* (59; Fan-POV shot as DVa quickly pulls off, turning sharply to one side and spitting some cum out, before angrily swearing. Fan squirts a few more times during this.) *DVA sharply spits out cum* DVA (angrily surprised; she is still turned to the side, and is more swearing in general than to Fan): "도대체 뭐야?!" ("mwo ra go?!" ; "What the hell?!") [TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: Koreans don't say it like in english, this is more of a: "What?" or "What is this?"] (60; Over-the-shoulder as DVa, still on her knees, brings her hand up from underneath his leg, to reveal she was holding her phone the entire time. She looks at it.) FAN (feeling terrible and almost stumbling over himself to apologize): "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" (61; Insert shot of the screen, which has a pop-up saying "DID YOU KNOW? Swallowing your partner's ejaculate gives a large bonus!") DVA (recovered from her surprise, now just more scolding in a firm but non-hostile way): "Just give me a little warning next time, 승인?" ("Ne?" ; "OK?", as in "Give me some warning next time, okay?") (62; Close-up of Fan's surprised face) FAN (awkwardly surprised, nervous he must have misheard her): "N-next time?" (62; Fan-POV shot as DVa rubs her face against the side of his cock) *DVa gives a soft closed-mouth giggle* *DVa turns to look at him* DVA (cutely teasing): "I have a few hours until I have to pack up." *DVa pulls back slightly, and begins slowly running her tongue up the full length of his shaft* *After she pops her tongue off the tip with a loud lick, she begins littering the shaft up and down with soft peck kisses* FAN (in a combination of fantastical surprise and pleasure): "I must be dreaming..." (63; Cross-fade to a more traditional pose, of him sitting on the sofa and slouching back, as she is between her legs on her knees and sucking him off [05.gif]. Her eyes are closed.) *DVa gently moaning as she sucks* (64; Fan-POV shot, same angle as the reference.) *DVa gently moaning as she sucks* FAN (awash in pleasure, trying to keep his composure): "M-Maybe look up at me?" *DVa makes a soft affirmation noise, not stopping her sucking, and opens her eyes and looks up at him* FAN (awash in pleasure, a bit giggly now): "Oh my gosh, you're so pretty..." (65; Shot from behind DVa as she continues to suck) *DVa gently moaning as she sucks* FAN (awash in pleasure, decidedly nervous about the question): "D-do you think you can, like, wiggle your butt, too?" *DVa makes a questioning sound as she sucks, asking for affirmation, as she begins to wiggle her butt gently while she sucks* (66; Fan-POV shot, now somewhere between that reference and 06.gif. Her eyes are closed again.) *DVa gently moaning as she sucks* FAN (nervous about this question too): "C-Can you move your head to the side a bit?" *DVa makes another questioning sound as she sucks, as she moves to the side. Now firmly at [06.gif]* (67; Close-up POV-angled shot of DVa's butt bouncing as she sucks) *DVa gently moaning as she sucks* FAN (approaching orgasm): "I'm close, Miss D.Va. REALLY close..." (68; Side-angled close-up of DVa sucking) *DVa makes a soft sound of affirmation, before she stops sucking and wraps her mouth fully over the head of his cock, and begins rapidly jerking him off* FAN (quickly approaching orgasm): "Ohh Godd, I'm gonna, ohhh..!" (69; Fan-POV shot as his pelvis gently rocks up, cumming into her mouth. DVa's eyes are open and staring at him [and the camera] as he cums.) *DVa not really making any sound as he cums* *FAN groaning softly as he cums* *After he finishes cumming, DVa pulls off, and shows off the cum in her mouth [07.gif] before swallowing it, then showing off her now-empty mouth.* (70; Close-up of Fan as he recovers) FAN (tired out but otherwise in awe): "Oh my God, that was... I can't believe this is actually--" (intends to say "I can't believe this is actually happening to me", but is cut off by DVa's sudden sharp swearing) DVA (sharply, loudly, upset with the phone telling her she lost points): "헐!" ("Eo meo!" ; "OMG!" / "Oh my gosh!") (71; Over-the-shoulder shot of DVa sitting up on her knees, looking at her phone. It has a points breakdown for "Blowjob". It is fully revealed alrighty, no animation.) TEXT: "Session Time: 7:38 - +2748" <<>> TEXT: "Partner Orgasm! <3 - +3000" TEXT: "BONUS! Swallowed It All! - +5000" TEXT: "PENALTY! Recurring Partner [x1] - -1500" *After a moment, camera zooms in on the "penalty" text for focus* FAN (nervous, concerned that he did something wrong): "What is it? Is everything okay?" (72; Side shot as DVa lookings up from her phone at him; looks back down at her phone; then looks at him again. This holds for a long moment) (73; Wide shot of the exterior of the parking lot, still very dark, as the bus door closes. Fan is standing outside, looking at the door.) *Sound of door closing* *After a long moment, Fan speaks* FAN (loudly, concerned): "Did I do something wrong??" (74; Hard cut to black. Credits.)